Latest YFU Brochure now available!

Explore, Engage, Evolve: Your Student Exchange Journey Awaits!

Welcome to the world of limitless possibilities! Embarking on a student exchange is more than just a journey to a new country; it’s an adventure of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and global networking.

Dive into unfamiliar landscapes, taste the essence of diverse cultures, and cultivate lifelong friendships!

Our new YFU Student Exchange brochure provides an introduction, guiding you through the initial details of our student exchange program options. From program selection to preparing for departure, we’re with you at every milestone. Get ready to transform your global perspective and weave your own international tale. Embrace the adventure, the challenges, and the joys of being a global citizen. The world is your classroom, and your journey starts here!

View the brochure here!

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YFU SHORT-TERM PROGRAMS – the full experience.

YFU’s Short-Term Programs are an exciting opportunity to explore the world and gain invaluable skills and insights in a condensed timeframe. Whether you want to learn a new language, explore a different culture, or just experience the world from a new perspective, these programs offer a flexible and impactful alternative to the traditionally longer programs YFU offers.

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Is a student exchange program right for you?

For some students, going on exchange has always been a dream, a goal or a possibility; for others, it’s a totally new idea – regardless, most students wonder if it’s the right thing for them. YFU believes a well-informed decision is vital to a successful exchange experience. Understanding what an exchange program involves and assessing whether it’s the right choice for you before applying is crucial.

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